I made new thinning scissors.
It is very long scissors.
“TL-17GS” features 80% of cuts rate.
The feature of “TSW-S” is that you can choose the cut rate.

Item code TL-17GS
Price 89,000 yen
Full length 178㎜
Blade length 76㎜
Material Stainless alloy
Size 6.5 inches
Screw type Double bearing screws
Finger hole type K-1 Standard Type A
Hit point type Clear (Screwed, Small)
Cut ratio 80%
These scissors are long, but are high-powered,
And I catch hair well.
I change a blade and the comb of these scissors to the right position.
Double bearing screw : Our patent pending original product. Friction free for smooth movement.
Item code TSW-S
Price 83,000 yen
Full length 180㎜
Blade length 72㎜
Material Stainless alloy
Size 6.25 inches
Screw type Double bearing screws
Finger hole type K-3 Twist Type
Hit point type Clear (Screwed, Small)
Cut ratio 10% & 15% & 20% & 25% & 30% & 35%
I produce it at the cut rate which you request.
Double bearing screw : Our patent pending original product. Friction free for smooth movement.