I made a new Thinning Scissor.
These are scissors with a sense of stability very much.
It is wide and features a barrel-like body.
A heavy body gives you a sense of security.
However, the movement is light.

Item code TDT-28GS
Price 82,000 yen
Full length 170㎜
Blade length 63㎜
Material Stainless alloy
Size 6 inches
Screw type Double bearing screws
Finger hole type K-3 Twist Type
Hit point type Clear (Screwed, Small)
Cut ratio 35%
G-bladed Blades and combs are reversed.
Item code TDT-28SS
Price 82,000 yen
Full length 170㎜
Blade length 63㎜
Material Stainless alloy
Size 6 inches
Screw type Double bearing screws
Finger hole type K-3 Twist Type
Hit point type Clear (Screwed, Small)
Cut ratio 35%
S-bladed Standard Type
Item code TDJ-30SS
Price 82,000 yen
Full length 170㎜
Blade length 63㎜
Material Stainless alloy
Size 6 inches
Screw type Double bearing screws
Finger hole type K-3 Twist Type
Hit point type Clear (Screwed, Small)
Cut ratio 10%
S-bladed Standard Type
G-bladed Type is Item code : TDJ-30GS