There are 3 types of blades.
① Propeller blade
You can cut your hair with all the blades. Since it is possible to cut many hair with one opening and closing, it is suitable for cutting shops and men’s short hair that need cutting hair in a short time.
② Bamboo grass blade
Suitable for cutting hair while being pressed. (Suitable for slide cutting technique) Ideal for hairdresser cutting for long hair women. It is unsuitable for short hair men.
③ Willow blade
It is a general shape. Unlike the propeller blades, at the position of about one third of the hand side of the blade, since the hair escapes, it is not possible to successfully cut the hair. About 2/3 of the cutting edge is almost the same shape as the propeller blade. Because it is a general shape, it is suitable for both hairdresser and barber.
① プロペラ刃
刃先から刃元まですべてで髪を切る事ができます。一回の開閉で多くの髪を切る事ができるので、短い時間で髪をカットするお店 や 男性の短い髪を切る場合に適しています。
③ 柳刃